Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Easy Does It

On Monday, I began my first efforts toward becoming a runner. The strategy for week one was:

Run 2 min, walk 3 min; repeat 6 times

Due to my exercise and more active lifestyle over the past few months, this routine was a piece of cake. The obvious choice may be to skip to week 2, however, as I explained to my personal health guru Anela, if I skip to the next week, I feel more likely that I would abandon the goal.

So today is Wednesday and I am going to do my second round of running today. The mental state that I achieved while doing this routine was awesome. I felt like a bad ass because I wasn't dying from it. It sort of empowered me, yet allowed me to be relaxed and not feel like I need to leap into the 30 minute jog in the next couple of days.

So, I maintain the thought that "Easy Does It". I am going to follow the routine and allow myself to think "Wow this is so easy, I am such a badass!" while also, taking it easy and not getting any injuries or just plain getting burnt out before I can make sufficient head way.

Note to self... get new running tunes, because the old ones don't help!

1 comment:

  1. What I love most about you--we'll I actually love a lot of things about you but this is definitely one of them--is that you know you. You know what will work for you and you know what won't. And you're not afraid to take the path works best for you no matter what anyone else says. Way to keep it real. Keep up the good work. *Check out Women's Health, they had an article on building your own running shoe which is designed specifically to the terrain you wanna run on, your weight and number of other's supposed to be a complete custom shoe.
