So, changing your lifestyle to have three meals plus two to three snacks per day not only speeds up your metabolism, it makes you feel like you are starving all the time. I just about an hour and a half ago and right now I feel like I haven't eaten in days. It is probably the combination of the working out and the new eating habits (or what are trying to become habits). But all in all, I feel like I am eating all the time and never getting full! :( (However, I am having fun with trying to create fun snacks and enjoy reflecting on all of the goodness I keep putting into my body instead of the badness that I used to eat.)
New found nutrition info:
A bit of research I did today and that one bing cherry has approximately four calories in it, so I think I will make my future servings include one dozen cherries totaling approx. 48 calories. Pretty decent snack when paired with a lowfat yogurt. Hopefully enough to get me by for another hour and a half ;)
The Low-down
9:30 am: half a grapefruit with 1/2 a packet of Truvia
11:30 am: Probiotic drink, small banana, one piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, 8 ounces of V8 Splash Lite Pineapple Mango juice
2:00 pm: 12 ounces of coffee with Truvia and 4 ounces skim milk (I needed a pick-me-up for studying)
3:00 pm: small chicken breast with leftover steamed zucchini, small nectarine
4:45 pm: dozen Bing cherries, yogurt
6:45-7:45 pm: I rode my bike and Omar skateboarded at the NMSU campus
8:15 pm: Bowl of lentil soup, a few multi-grain baked wheat thin crackers, salad with cucumbers and fat-free balsamic vinaigrette
News: (not for the shy and easily repulsed)
Certain movements have become even more soft than usual. Kinda squirty. My guess is the acidity from the fruit. Miley says I need more carbs. She's probably right. I'll start tomorrow. Hopefully there will be improvements soon.
More news:
I am working on putting all of my music from cds onto my computer and then back on to my iPhone, so now I will have some awesome tunes for my self workouts! yay!
Squirty? Squirty!? ha ha