Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 1, Day 6: Exercise hurts

My instructor of the Buns-n-abs class gets the weirdest look of pleasure every time we have done an exercise so long that we are about to pass out. He is completely exhilarated by the pain and shouts encouragement to us when really most of us want to poke his eyes out. (I'm assuming). He is a total masochist when it comes to exercising.

I am not. And his excited faces scare me.


8:45 am: Two Special K Red Berry waffles

11:00 am: 1 Gala apple and a lowfat string cheese

12:30 pm: Salad bar at Cattle Baron. I only took a small bit of pasta salad and everything else was green except the hominy. Also had 2 grapes and 2 strawberries which tasted like pesticide so I didn't have anymore. Mint

3:15 pm: dozen almonds, Probiotic drink, and a medium banana

4-5:00 pm: Abs-n-buns class

5-5:20 pm: Elliptical machine for further cardio

7:00 pm:
I created my own awesome dinner. It is in the picture and I promise it tastes better than it looks. I started with a piece of whole grain flatbread, and then I used all-white chicken from a can, stirred it around in some Schlotszky's hot sauce with shredded mozzarella. I then spread out the chicken, opened a can of corn and a can of green chile's and spread those as well. I then put it in the toaster oven at 350 degrees for ten minutes so that the flatbread was nice and crisp and the other ingredients were hot and melty! It was freaking delicious. I also ate the rest of the can of corn.(See below for fun facts about corn!)

8:00 pm: one Dove dark chocolate square


Health Benefits of Corn

This popular food is high in fiber. In fact, it's notoriously hard to digest. But its insoluble fiber is tops at tackling common digestive ailments (like constipation and hemorrhoids) by absorbing water, which swells the stool and speeds its movement.

Corn is a surprising source of several vitamins, including folic acid, niacin, and vitamin C. The folic acid in corn is now known to be an important factor in preventing neural-tube birth defects. It's just as important in preventing heart disease, according to studies that show folic acid can prevent a buildup of homocysteine, an amino acid, in the body. Long-term elevation of homocysteine has been linked to higher rates of heart disease; folic acid helps break it down.


Okay.. shower time and then bed!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Baby Girl. I just went back and got caught up on your blog. Something is not right here. Remember talking to Tara and she said she didn't feel hungry and had to tell herself to eat every couple of hours? When I was on Body For Life and eating a carb and protein every few hours I wasn't starving. When I look at your blog it appears to be missing protein. If you are starving my uneducated brain thinks you don't have enough fuel in your body to be burning calories which is what I interpreted your motive to be. Please research some studies as to what a 'healthy' diet looks like. I sure love you.
